You bring the match, we'll bring the fireworks.


    donate now and help multiple vetted charities with one click

  • How does it work?

    Usually when donating $30 only about $10 reaches the cause.


    With Undivided it's at least $30 to the goal (that's right, "at least" - we aim for it to be more).


    Meanwhile, the donation itself keeps growing each year, forever.


    Helping many great causes for years to come.

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    Transforming the future of Philanthropy...

    A bold new way of donating that uses the best business practices to solve the most common problems found in charities. Reducing overhead, improving transparency and maximizing the impact of all donations.

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    Self Perpetuating

    We believe in a world where donations automatically perpetuate in a self fulfilling circle of virtuosity.

    Every year the same people give what they can. What if that money was both invested and donated to charity - meaning that the following year the pot was even bigger?

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    Improving the world forever

    We provide a unique structure for existing charities to greatly enhance both their fundraising and  distribution of donations to their mission.



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    Bringing charities together

    An app driven ecosystem for responsible and effective charities. A complementary, non-competitive, landscape - where key resources are automatically combined to benefit all.



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    The world has changed, why hasn't charity?

    We believe that the current charity model is out of date - relying on obnoxious overhead, expensive marketing and traditional fundraising activities.


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    Self perpetuating, self sustaining

    We believe that investment and cutting edge technology can be combined to completely change the way charities operate. We believe that there is a more efficient way to both raise and donate money.




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    No more rubber chicken dinners

    Fundraising is hopelessly out of date

    It's time to embrace a new and exciting model which will produce exponential social returns, bringing donors closer causes they care about.



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    Business can drive Charities

    You're standing in a bar, or you're choosing something to eat at a restaurant; all the profit from this disposable income could be going to charity - whilst still satisfying your appetite. Think of the Newman's Own Original Dressing model, but on steroids.


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    Charities can drive business

    Charities have a huge built in audience, we believe these massive databases should be encouraged to purchase socially responsible products which in turn donate their profits to charities.


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    Impact Donating

    Solving more problems, faster

    Your donation can both be invested and distributed to your chosen cause. Your donation continues to grow, benefiting the cause year after year.

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    Unleashing a new paradigm

    Rethinking how we give to charities and how charities distribute to causes.



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    Individual transactions become limitless transformations.

    Leveraging the power of deep data, direct marketing, virtual business, app driven e-commerce and world class banking tools.

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    Turning consumer spending into donations

    An easy way to spot a responsible manufacturer

    Best in class products which you actually need. If you see UNDIVIDED's logo on a product that means that up to 100% of the product's revenue goes to charity.

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    Precise targeting

    Data drives modern business and it should drive modern charity

    Our ecosystem harnesses existing charity and company databases to directly promote products and causes, in order to raise ever greater funds.

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    Positively Disruptive Financial Mechanism

    Transform fund raising by allowing it to benefit from big business ideas

    A bold new way of donating that uses the best business practices to solve the most common problems found in charities. Reducing overhead, improving transparency and maximizing the impact of all donations.


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    Creating an ecosystem

    There is enough wealth to fix problems, there is enough inclination to support this. It just needs to be harnessed, in one place.

    The goal is wealth redistribution on an ever expanding scale, with a massive alignment of interest.

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    Increasing the effectiveness of charities

    Non profits should be benefiting from the advances in the "for profit" sphere.

    Air BNB is the biggest hotel chain in the world, without owning a single property. Uber is the biggest car company in the world, without owning a single car. Why is their no charity equivalent?

  • SHOP

    Help to spread the word and change the world.

    Super T-shirt

    Super T-shirt

    $100.00 - $1,000.00
    100% of income goes to Suicide Watch program.
    Ships 2017-06.
    Coming soon


    Ships 2017-06.
    Coming soon


    Ships 2017-06.
    Coming soon

    The App is launching soon. Tell us why you're ready to join the revolution.

    4626 Highway 68, Jackson, LA 70748
    225 308 8888
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    Undivided is a nonprofit organization, consistently maintaining a low overhead of less than 2%, whilst supporting a platform composed of carefully selected, well-managed, nonprofit and socially responsible "for profit" entities, designed to create a virtuous cycle of giving within its ecosystem.


    Undivided aims to transform the charitable space uniting numerous charities underneath its umbrella and developing a mutually beneficial ecosystem. The ultimate goal is to radically update the way that charities interact, as well as the way that charities raise money; whilst simultaneously increasing the overall transparency associated with philanthropy and all the while encouraging the reduction of global charity overheads.


    Undivided follows a 21st Century model of: an app based, database driven, virtual office foundation. Additionally, unlike almost any other conventional fundraising system, it will benefit from a unique financial mechanism — which will provide each nonprofit with ever-increasing, self perpetuating funds — regardless of the individual level of donations they receive.


    Each organization continues to campaign, raising money and awareness for their cause, but with the added bonus of the ecosystem’s donations from Undivided itself, as well as from the various "for profit" companies within Undivided.


    All the companies and charities within the ecosystem necessarily experience huge benefits in: group buying power, economies of scale, mutual alignments of interest and significant combined marketing collateral - which will continually increase exponentially.


    We aim to transform the traditional fund raising machine, into a simple ecosystem of generosity—where capitalizing on capitalism is embraced and encouraged, benefiting all charitable entities forever.


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    Charity Buzz

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    Funding Matters